Transforming pathways with PICO single-use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy sNPWT

Leave nothing to chance with PICO sNPWT

Complete the hypothetical patient pathway by assessing their surgical site complication (SSC) risk factors and decoding whether to consider PICO sNPWT


PICO sNPWT is a wound care system, which provides suction known as Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT). PICO sNPWT consists of an NPWT pump connected to an absorbent gentle adhesive dressing.1-4 This draws out excess fluid from a wound, providing a compressive force and protecting the injured area to helping promote healing.5-7 PICO sNPWT has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of surgical site complications (SSC) when compared to standard care dressings.8,9 The risk of developing a post-operative SSC depends on the type of surgery and patient risk factors.10

All risk factors and their classifications within the Transforming Pathways with PICO sNPWT Game have been taken from the World Union Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) consensus document and NICE guidance.11,12 The WUWHS consensus document recommends the application of NPWT for closed surgical incisions as a preventative measure for SSCs in cases with one major risk factor or the presence of two or more moderate risk factors.11 Additionally, NICE guidance classifies certain risk factors that warrant the use of PICO sNPWT.12

Please note that the Transforming Pathways with PICO sNPWT Game is intended for informational and guidance purposes only and is not medical advice. It serves as a resource to assist in determining when to consider PICO sNPWT for SSC prevention.

The recommendations contained herein are the local clinical protocols, recommendations, and/or guidelines as set forth by the local medical institution or facility regarding the use of PICO sNPWT. Protocol recommendations have not been verified by Smith & Nephew.

To the extent that use of this Game contributes to a decision to use a medical product(s), whether or not manufactured or sold by Smith+Nephew, the treating healthcare professional and their organisation must understand that this Game is for informational and guidance purposes only and does not supersede or replace the Instructions for Use for such product(s).

Smith & Nephew accepts no responsibility for the content of this pathway and shall not be responsible for any reliance placed on the content. Smith & Nephew, through provision of the Game or otherwise, does not provide medical advice.

It is the responsibility of healthcare professionals to determine and utilise medical products and techniques that are appropriate for each of their individual patients based on the indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, and other information as provided for in the respective medical product’s Instructions for Use.

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Transforming Pathways with PICO sNPWT:
How it works

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    1 Start a new game to generate a patient pathway board.
    2 Select a tile from the first column to reveal a potential risk factor.
    3 Categorise this factor* as either low, moderate or high risk.
    *These risk factors and risk assessments are based on the WUWHS consensus and NICE guidelines 11,12
    4 Indicate whether the presence of this risk factor would make you consider sNPWT with this patient.
    5 Reveal the data from NICE or WUHUS and if it matches progress to the next column11,12.
    6 The game ends when either a risk assessment is done in every column, or you've decided to consider PICO sNPWT.
    7 Your completion time is tracked and presented on a leaderboard

    Please select a white tile


    Apply PICO sNPWT

    Complete the pathway by categorising risk factors and deciding whether to consider PICO sNPWT

    Complete the pathway by categorising risk factors and deciding whether to consider PICO sNPWT

    Apply PICO sNPWT

    Confirm Selection

    The patient

    You Selected

    Is this correct?

    According to NICE guidance, the use of PICO sNPWT may be too premature.12

    Confirm Selection

    Confirm your use of PICO sNPWT

    Confirm Selection

    Confirm your use of PICO sNPWT

    Restart Game

    You answered all risks incorrectly, Please restart the game.

    Enter your initials

    Thank you for participating


    Find out more and receive risk stratification tools made by the WUWHS guidance

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    The recommendations contained herein are the local clinical protocols, recommendations, and/or guidelines as set forth by the local medical institution or facility regarding the use of PICO sNPWT. Protocol recommendations have not been verified by Smith & Nephew. Smith & Nephew accepts no responsibility for the content of this pathway and shall not be responsible for any reliance placed on the content. Smith & Nephew does not provide medical advice. It is the responsibility of clinicians to determine and utilise products and techniques appropriate for each of their individual patients. For detailed device information, including indications for use, contraindications, precautions and warnings, please consult the product’s Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to use.

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    *Compared to care with standard dressings; p<0.05. T2-8

    Thank you!


    1. Smith+Nephew July 2018.PICO 7Y Non-NPWT Wound Model Summary. Internal Report. DS.18.260.R.

    2. Hudson DA, Adams KG, Van Huyssteen A, Martin R, Huddleston EM. Simplified negative pressure wound therapy: clinical evaluation of an ultraportable, no canister system. Int Wound J. 2015;12(2):195-201.

    3. Payne C, Edwards D. Application of the Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Device (PICO) on a Heterogeneous Group of Surgical and Traumatic Wounds. ePlasty. 2014:152-166

    4. Stryja J, Staffa R, Říha D, Stryjová K, Nicielniková K. Cost-effectiveness of negative pressure wound therapy in outpatient setting. Prolekare. 2015;94(8):322 - 328.

    5. Smith+Nephew 2020.Bacterial barrier testing of the PICO dressing. Internal Report. 2001002.

    6. Smith & Nephew 2019.PICO Biomechanical Study. Internal Report. DS/19/211/R.

    7. Smith+Nephew 2021.PICO™ Pressure Mapping Study. Internal Report. DS/19/211/R - Part B.

    8. Saunders C, Nherera LM, Horner A, Trueman P. Single-Use negative-pressure wound therapy versus conventional dressings for closed surgical incisions: systematic literature review and meta-analysis. BJS Open. 2021;0(0):1 - 8.

    9. James K et al., Single-use negative pressure wound therapy versus conventional dressings for the reduction of surgical site infections in closed surgical incisions: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis, The American Journal of Surgery, j.amjsurg.2023.10.031

    10. Global guidelines for the prevention of surgical site infection, 2nd ed. [online] Available from: Last accessed July 2024

    11. Sugrue M. Ciprandi G, Djohan R, et al. World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) Consensus Document, Closed surgical incision management: Understanding the role of NPWT. Wounds int [internet]. 2016.

    12: PICO negative pressure wound dressings for closed surgical incision, Medical technologies guidance (MTG43], National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2019. Available from: Last accessed August 2024.

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